Finally Finally Kyle Daniel Bostic came back to the stage. Yes after the pain and agony I went through Last week, I finally had the guts to tell my story on stage.
It started off that I was going to Yamaneika new spot. Yamaneika Saunders is one of the most talented female comics in the game period. She has a new spot at the Village Lantern from 7 - 9 at 167 Bleeker Street in the West Village, and if your in the city I would recommend you check it out. But the black person in me wound up working overtime so I didn't leave work till around 7:30. Also left my wallet back in the office So didn't get to the A train till 7:45
So I finally get to West 4th on the train. It's 8:15 and my hopes of getting up at Ya's place is dashed. I go to Alibi which is at 116 Macdougal because they had some newer comics running the show. Its not a bad show cuz Carey B is always great. So I stop in and they have a nice crowd. I notice they getting a little too into the show in the front row. Usually its the host job to check them. But instead a long interaction is happening which is only leaves it worsts for any comic that comes on stage.
So just like I expected the loud group of white ppl begin to take over the show. And I am not saying all white ppl are loud just these assholes. They begin to talk through everyones set have side conversations during the sets and one girl even took a call in the front row. They added a side comment to every joke. It becomes a time where most comics are just waiting for the light.
So Carey goes on he kills. Great set eats the bullet for alot of us and he does what i thought was impossible only three seconds ago. He manages to keep the ADD patients in the front row quiet and concentrating on laughing.
So there is one comic before me. Of course they go back to being themselves again. I thought at one point they were going to start chucking a football around during his set. So I see i Had one option.
I get onstage and begin with the weed joke. They giggle. then i hit them with the dealer joke. they laugh. Ok so far so good. Tell them the story about what happened at my house. It works. Now i have them so I go into the drinking joke. thats where all the problems start.
So one girl wants to add on to my joke because corona's + loud always = Funny(Not!!!). Please I am warning you to not do this with a comic who has any type of lunch room experience. It never ends up good on your end. So After I light into them and get back into my set, of course it takes a huge nosedive. I could have said the famous Kanye Fishstick joke and just gotten a chuckle. But I acheived my ultimate goal. To make them totally pay attention to the headliner.
So the crowd is letting out and they are talking to one of my comic friends. About how she as an actress knows what unprofessional is and my set was unprofessional. That since we are at a bar we should expect ppl to come in be rowdy text during our sets and it was our jobs to adjust. But she prefaced by saying I was funny. Thanks
First let me address the actress part. This girl was about 5'1 160 lbs. So unless they are having a remake of the Wizard of Oz munchkinland, I don't think she should be expecting any calls any time soon. Secondly is it not to much for people to expect if you come in knowing you are going to watch a comedy show, for you to behave like you haven't been trained by whips to jump through hoops of fire. Maybe it is to much for non African Americans to sit down and enjoy what you are watching without trying to add to the show. I guess I just live in a Utopia. Well I did get a great solace that night. I got to watch the Mets lose and yell at the TV that I hate being a Mets fan. So take that Miss Actress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!