Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Changing Gears

Three years waited same shit different levels of the game. Nightly grinding no longer trying to make people laugh I am doing it. Trying to get that major break through but its just not happening. That gets frustrating so I can see how my contemporaries can turn to other things to hold at bay their discontent (I.e. Drugs, Women, wrestling) I though am all in like a bad poker player who thinks one hand can change his luck. I maybe broke now but wait till I lure you in with my ace bet card so you can smack it down with that network doesn't exist any more.
I am finding more and more that I have to do something different, that I have to change gears to be successful, but here-in lies my dilemma: I want success as Kyle D Bostic. I want to justify the open mics, the clubs that wouldn't allow me in their doors earlier in my career. I want to make the people who talk behind my back and I know who they are eat their words beg me for spots and stay cordial with them the whole time. I want to stay the course and be who I am not a carbon facsimile of me that introduced to the masses may initially be lauded but the long term payoff is not there.
How do I do that you ask? Easy I practice. I write day and night keeping my
creative juices flowing. I do the mirror work necessary to succeed. You know
fully dedicated myself to the craft I supposedly love.
Which is the juxtaposition of comedy. It is truly like a marriage when you put yourself all in it and determine yourself to make things work, their is still no guarantee that she won't go and fuck with someone less talented then you. Only this is who you are dedicated to while your parents/friends tell you how there are so many better opportunities out there. Your not listening your not ready your not looking for something that can give you financial satisfaction compared to inner peace. So basically what I am saying is comedy is a prom queen with a unmistakable and unenviable bitch/cunt mentality. I'll be OK though comedy keep fucking with Mike Epps, I still love you though. What can I say I am a glutton for punishment.